Here is an example of setting up and posting data using MQTT.
NOTE 1: Authentication is via username, password.
NOTE 2: In these example commands, change server details, username password, pub topic, subtopic to match your server setup.
NOTE 3: Press Enter after each +set, +push command.
Wait for startup to finish.
Setup device ID
Expect this response
Setup server address (This is the MQTT broker address)
Expect this response
Setup server port (to match your MQTT server)
Expect this response
Setup username
Expect this response
Setup password
Expect this response
Setup publish topic.
Expect this response
Setup subscribe topic. This is optional of you only want to test publishing from device to MQTT server.
Expect this response
Setup protocol as MQTT
Expect this response
Expect to see a notify message for mqtt initialization completion
Device is now ready to be enabled to connect to MQTT server
Enable device to connect to server
Expect this response
Upon successfully connecting, device will send notify messages like these
You can send your data by "pushing" it to a queue. For testing, just use the first queue: queue1
the data payload here is temp:1,humid:2
Expect response like this. result:0 is success.
If you send a message to the sub topic, device will send these notify messages
Device will report mqtt server pings like this
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